========= Blocklist ========= .. note:: These v4 APIs are now frozen. See :ref:`the API versions available` for details of the different API versions available. ------ Blocks ------ .. _v4-blocklist-block: This endpoint returns an add-on Block from the blocklist, specified by guid or id. .. http:get:: /api/v4/blocklist/block/(int:block_id|string:guid) :query string lang: Activate translations in the specific language for that query. (See :ref:`Translated Fields `) :query string wrap_outgoing_links: (v3/v4 only) If this parameter is present, wrap outgoing links through ``outgoing.prod.mozaws.net`` (See :ref:`Outgoing Links `) :>json int id: The id for the block. :>json string created: The date the block was created. :>json string modified: The date the block was last updated. :>json string|object|null addon_name: The add-on name, if we have details of an add-on matching that guid (See :ref:`translated fields `). :>json string guid: The guid of the add-on being blocked. :>json string min_version: The minimum version of the add-on that will be blocked. "0" is the lowest version, meaning all versions up to max_version will be blocked. ("0" - "*" would be all versions). :>json string max_version: The maximum version of the add-on that will be blocked. "*" is the highest version, meaning all versions from min_version will be blocked. ("0" - "*" would be all versions). :>json string|null reason: Why the add-on needed to be blocked. :>json string|object|null url: A url to the report/request that detailed why the add-on should potentially be blocked. Typically a bug report on bugzilla.mozilla.org. (See :ref:`Outgoing Links `)