.. _v3-reviewers: ========= Reviewers ========= .. warning:: These v3 APIs are now deprecated and you should switch to a newer version before it is removed. See :ref:`the API versions available` for details of the different API versions available and the deprecation timeline. .. note:: The only authentication method available at the moment is :ref:`the internal one `. --------- Subscribe --------- This endpoint allows you to subscribe the current user to the notification sent when a new listed version is submitted on a particular add-on. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have any reviewer-related permission. .. http:post::/api/v3/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/subscribe/ ----------- Unsubscribe ----------- This endpoint allows you to unsubscribe the current user to the notification sent when a new listed version is submitted on a particular add-on. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have any reviewer-related permission. .. http:post::/api/v3/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/unsubscribe/ ------- Disable ------- This endpoint allows you to disable the public listing for an add-on. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have ``Reviews:Admin`` permission. .. http:post::/api/v3/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/disable/ ------ Enable ------ This endpoint allows you to re-enable the public listing for an add-on. If the add-on can't be public because it does not have public versions, it will instead be changed to awaiting review or incomplete depending on the status of its versions. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have ``Reviews:Admin`` permission. .. http:post::/api/v3/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/enable/ ----- Flags ----- This endpoint allows you to manipulate various reviewer-specific flags on an add-on. .. note:: Requires authentication and the current user to have ``Reviews:Admin`` permission. .. http:patch::/api/v3/reviewers/addon/(int:addon_id)/flags/ :>json boolean auto_approval_disabled: Boolean indicating whether auto approval are disabled on an add-on or not. When it's ``true``, new versions for this add-on will make it appear in the regular reviewer queues instead of being auto-approved. :>json string|null pending_info_request: Deadline date for the pending info request as a string, or ``null``. :>json boolean needs_admin_code_review: Boolean indicating whether the add-on needs its code to be reviewed by an admin or not. :>json boolean needs_admin_content_review: Boolean indicating whether the add-on needs its content to be reviewed by an admin or not.